Contribution Address & Instruction

We can only accept Contributions from AA groups or members.

7th tradition payment page QR code image

Something went wrong. Contact the merchant for help.
This browser isn’t supported. Open a different browser and try again.

To continue, add the requested info.

Fill in how much you want to pay.Adjust the amount to only 2 decimal places and try again.Some currencies don't use decimals. Adjust the amount and try again.

card icons

const getElements = function() { const container = document.getElementById('paypal-form-fields-container-ZG3TQQ69FYLJS'); const [amountEl, memoEl, invoiceEl] = ['#amount', '#memo', '#invoice'].map(function(item) { return container.querySelector(item) }); const [amountErrEl, decimalErrEl, decimalPlacesErrEl, memoErrEl, genericErrEl, browserErrEl, checkoutButtonEl] = ['#amount-err', '#amount-decimal-err', '#amount-decimalplaces-err', '#memo-err', '#generic-error', '#browser-error', '#checkout-button'] .map(function(item) { return container.querySelector(item) }); return { amount: { el: amountEl, errEl: amountErrEl, decimalErrEl: decimalErrEl, decimalPlacesErrEl: decimalPlacesErrEl }, memo: { el: memoEl, errEl: memoErrEl }, invoice: { el: invoiceEl, errEl: null }, genericErr: { el: genericErrEl }, browserErr: { el: browserErrEl }, checkoutButton: { el: checkoutButtonEl } } }

const isBrowserSupported = function() { if (!true) { return true; } return !!(window.crypto && window.crypto.subtle && window.crypto.subtle.generateKey); }

const getIsValid = function() { if (!isBrowserSupported()) return false; const { amount, memo } = getElements(); if (!amount.el.value.length) return false; if (getDecimalCount(amount.el.value) > 2) return false; if (memo.el && !memo.el.value.length) return false; return true; }

const renderErrors = function() { const { amount, memo } = getElements(); const decimalSupported = 2 > 0; if (!amount.el.value.length) { amount.el.focus(); amount.errEl.classList.add('visible'); amount.decimalErrEl.classList.remove('visible'); amount.decimalPlacesErrEl.classList.remove('visible'); } else if (decimalSupported && getDecimalCount(amount.el.value) > 2) { amount.el.focus(); amount.decimalErrEl.classList.add('visible'); amount.errEl.classList.remove('visible'); amount.decimalPlacesErrEl.classList.remove('visible'); } else if (!decimalSupported && getDecimalCount(amount.el.value) > 0) { amount.el.focus(); amount.decimalPlacesErrEl.classList.add('visible'); amount.errEl.classList.remove('visible'); amount.decimalErrEl.classList.remove('visible'); } else { amount.errEl.classList.remove('visible'); amount.decimalErrEl.classList.remove('visible'); amount.decimalPlacesErrEl.classList.remove('visible'); } if (memo.el && !memo.el.value.length) { memo.el.focus(); memo.errEl.classList.add('visible') } else if (memo.errEl) { memo.errEl.classList.remove('visible') } }

const toggleActions = function(actions) { if (getIsValid()) { actions.enable(); } else { actions.disable(); } }

const onInit = function(data, actions) { const { amount, memo, invoice, browserErr } = getElements(); if (!isBrowserSupported()) { browserErr.el.classList.add('visible');

fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ events: [ { level: 'info', event: 'ncps::merchant_hosted::unsupported_browser', payload: { user_agent: window.navigator.userAgent, } } ], tracking: [ {"product":"quantum_leap","component":"nocodenodeweb","pgrp":"main:business:web:hostedcheckout","page":"main:business:web:hostedcheckout:merchant_website","event_name":"unsupported_browser","e":"im","event_type":"im"} ] }) });

} toggleActions(actions); const elements = [amount,memo]; elements.forEach(function (item) { item.el.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { toggleActions(actions); }); }); }

const getUserInputs = function() { const { amount, memo, invoice, genericErr } = getElements(); genericErr.el.classList.remove('visible'); let inputs = { amount: amount.el.value, memo: memo.el.value,

}; inputs = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(inputs).filter(([k, v]) => v !== '')); return inputs; }

const onClick = function() { renderErrors(); }

const onError = function() { const { genericErr } = getElements(); genericErr.el.classList.add('visible'); }

const { checkoutButton } = getElements(); if (checkoutButton.el) { checkoutButton.el.addEventListener('click', function (event) { onClick(); if(!getIsValid()) { event.preventDefault(); } }); }

window.__pp_form_fields_ZG3TQQ69FYLJS = { onInit: onInit, onClick: onClick, getUserInputs: getUserInputs, onError: onError, }



Click Here for a Printable Contribution Form

Please make checks or money orders payable to:
Hawaii Area Committee
PO Box 1413
Honolulu, HI 96806

In order to apply the contribution to your group, please include:
Group Name and District Number.

Receipts will be emailed upon request. Please include a receipt request and email address for an electronic acknowledgment letter.

Thank you on behalf of Hawaii Area 17 for your support.