Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC)
Shares information about the A.A. program with professionals who have contact with alcoholics, furthering mutual understanding and cooperation.

The purpose of C.P.C. is our 12th Step – Carrying the Message.

Members of C.P.C. committees inform professionals and future professionals about A.A. – What we are, Where we are, What we can do, and What we cannot do!

A professional can be a family doctor or other health care professional, a member of the clergy, a law enforcement or court official, an educator, a social worker, an alcoholism or other counselor, or anyone who deals with problem drinkers in the course of their work. Many of these people often encounter the suffering alcoholic and many of them simple do not know what to do with a drunk! A look at our history shows clearly that cooperation with professionals has been an integral part of the fellowship since our beginnings. .

C.P.C. work can begin when individual A.A.’s reveal their membership to their doctors or drop a quiet word in the ear of a pastor, priest or rabbi that an A.A. member is available to the congregation.

Groups can participate in C.P.C. by welcoming professionals to open meetings. Committees actively seek ways to make contact with professional people and set up programs to increase knowledge and understanding of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is important to remember that cooperation with professionals – like everything else in A.A. is based on personal contact.

~Taken from Cooperation With the Professional Community Workbook 1995 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
